
Svyatoslav Simul Stop Press: A Black Win

NM Roger Williamson - 09/08/2024

  • General
  • Match Report

Contrary to earlier reports, we are pleased to bring you, the chess-watching public, the sole victory by one of the challengers against IM Svyatoslav Bazakutsa in April’s simul. Previously believed lost to posterity, the following game has been painstakingly reconstructed sans scoresheet by the vict...


IM Svyatoslav Bazakutsa Simul

NM Roger Williamson - 16/06/2024

  • General
  • Match Report

On Wednesday 24/4/2024, John Littlewood Chess Club and St. John the Evangelist Church, Rice Lane, were honoured to host a simultaneous display given by Ukrainian International Master Svyatoslav Bazakutsa. Mr. Bazakutsa, an IM at the age of just fifteen (and who I am informed has recently achieved hi...


A Grandmaster annotates

GM Dan Fernandez - 02/06/2024

  • General

The board 1 clash from this year's John Ripley Cup final, between Liverpool Chess Clubs IM Gary Quillan and John Littlewood's GM Dan Fernandez....


Favourite Mistakes of Chess Mice

NM Roger Williamson - 27/05/2024

  • General
  • Middle Game

"Chess is a mental exercise in managing failure." James Rizzitano, Understanding Your Chess   Inside the mind of the chessplayer is a laboratory mouse running a maze. He explores every avenue, usually more than once, even the blind alleys, but not necessarily with the idea of escape. He does so beca...


The Pressure Principle

Rob Frith - 27/05/2024

  • General
  • Middle Game

There’s a general consensus that GM Hikaru Nakamura is in the best form of his life. Given that he’s won several major tournaments, qualified for the Candidates and then came within half a point of reaching the final itself, it’s hard to disagree. He’s also repeated the mantra over the last couple o...


The Knight Leads the Caro-Kann Orchestra

NM Roger Williamson - 02/03/2024

  • General
  • Middle Game

The Caro-Kann is currently immensely popular. This is no doubt less to do with its endorsement at the highest level by Anand, Carlsen et al and more to do with how and where new chess players (those who came to the game during the pandemic) get their information. The most popular chess YouTube strea...


Carlsbad Structure Explained - Part 1

Jamie Kumar - 20/01/2024

  • General
  • Middle Game

Hey everyone,  Jamie Kumar at your service, member of the John Littlewood Chess Academy, and yes, I'm one of those unfortunate people who's been using 1. d4 for what feels like an eternity in his chess "career." But hey, we can't all be 1. e4 rebels, right?   Now, let's dive right into the heart of...


"Do Nothing" as Grand Strategy

NM Roger Williamson - 19/12/2023

  • General
  • Middle Game
  • Endgame

The Skillful Warrior   Does not rely on the enemy’s   Not coming,  But on his own  Preparedness.  He does not rely on the enemy’s  Not attacking,  But on his own   Impregnability.   Sun-tzu, ‘The Nine Changes’ The Art of War    In ‘Do Nothing’ we looked at the necessity for doing nothing when appro...


Do Nothing!

NM Roger Williamson - 07/11/2023

  • Endgame
  • General
  • Middle Game

Blackadder:  Am I jumping the gun, Baldrick, or are the words "I have a cunning plan" marching with ill-deserved confidence in the direction of this conversation?  Baldrick:  They certainly are, sir!  Blackadder:  Well, forgive me if I don't jump up and down with glee. Your record in this department...


Do Something!

NM Roger Williamson - 05/11/2023

  • Middle Game
  • General
  • Endgame

Baldrick:  Oh, sir! Poor little Mildred the cat, what's he ever done to you?  Blackadder:  It is the way of the world, Baldrick. The abused always kick downwards. I am annoyed, and so I kick the cat, the cat [loud squeak] pounces on the mouse, and finally, the mouse--  Baldrick:  Argh!  Blackadder:...


Don't Trust the Engine?!

NM Roger Williamson - 12/09/2023

  • General

An argument as to why chess engines should only be supplementary to human analysis   You’ll have heard this advice before. You should analyse your games yourself first, or with your coach (if you have one) or your peers, before then subjecting them to the verdict of stockfish. The reason for this is...


Planning & Prevention

NM Roger Williamson - 12/09/2023

  • General
  • Middle Game

The aim in chess, as in many areas in life, is to put our carefully laid plans into action. But while in life we must reckon with circumstances beyond our control, contingency, in chess that role is played by our opponent. They get to plan too. So where exactly is the line drawn between planning and...


In memory of John Littlewood

NM Roger Williamson - 29/08/2023

  • General

This club is named in tribute to one of Merseyside chess scene’s luminaries, John Littlewood (1931-2009), and the spirit in which he played and taught the game of chess. There is an apocryphal story concerning the sinking of the Titanic that the disaster was reported in the Aberdeen Daily Journal un...


Why study the opening?

NM Roger Williamson - 08/08/2023

  • Opening
  • General

Why study the opening? Note I say the opening, not a specific line. Learn plans, not openings. Which means familiarising yourself from as many typical middlegames arising from as many openings as possible. In other words, look at and try to understand as many openings as possible. Legend has it that...