John Littlewood Chess Club

"Improving the quality of chess in Merseyside"

2023/2024 Season

  • MCA U6000 League Winners
  • MCA John Ripley Cup Winners
  • MCA U6000 League "Player of the Year" Winner (Tom Plews)

Who Was John Littlewood

John Littlewood was a Liverpool chess legend, who had a major impact on the game. Read more about him here
Our focus is on fostering the talents of young adults/adult improvers and those re-immersing themselves in the world of chess, inspired by the recent global chess renaissance.
We provide a structured, friendly and supportive environment for our members to develop their chess skills and knowledge. Lead by our head coach National Master Roger Wiliamson.
Our club nights are Monday evenings from 7pm to 10pm at The Ship & Mitre, 133 Dale Street Liverpool L2 2JH.
Or you can join us online on our Lichess Team
The club is open to all players, however our league teams are invitation only. We currently have teams in the Merseyside First Division, and Merseyside U6000 League.


We can guarantee at least one session per month of formal group coaching, whether this be a lecture or a group analysis session. We also have a number of coaches available for private lessons.

Group Analysis

Whenever we aren't running a formal coaching session, our members often get together to analyse their games. This is a great way to learn from your mistakes and improve your game.

A GM Annotates

This year in our win of the John Ripley Cup final, we had GM Dan Fernandez playing on board 1. Click here to read his personally annotated game against IM Gary Quillan from Liverpool Chess Club.