1. White can change the pawn structure

2. Black must allow good knight vs bad bishop
After seizing the initiative, to keep it until victory a player must repeatedly exchange one type of advantage for another whenever the opportunities arise.
In position, 1 black's 18... f5 enables white to play 19. cd, forcing 19... cd 20. Nb5 Bb8 21. Rc1 Bd7 22. Nc7 forcing off black's dark square bishop. 22... BxN 23. QxB QxQ 24. RxQ Bc6 leading to position 2, where white forces a change in the pawn structure and the transformation to a good knight vs bad bishop scenario with 25. g4!
After 25... Re7 26. RxR NxR 27. gf Nxf5 28. Bxf5, black is in a 'two result' position: either White wins, or they draw!
See: 'Operation' and "Good knight vs bad bishop"